PROSPECTS - Student's Book (Intermediate)
de Macmillan |
Prospects is a six-level secondary course for teenagers. The course offers a multi-level entry system to allow teachers to start the course at the most suitable level. The Student's Book consists of topic-based units, with review units after every fourth unit. Presentation of language includes specific grammar items, both new and to be revised, and a strong focus on functional areas, social skills and vocabulary.
Includes separate Macmillan Literature Guide
Key features:
- Language checks at the end of each unit explain and illustrate the key grammar points and give new exercises for students to work through
- Learner strategies sections offer suggestions on ways to improve and extend learning.
Authors: Ken Wilson, James Taylor.
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Cartea “PROSPECTS - Student's Book (Intermediate)” de Macmillan a apărut la editura MacMillan în seria de Invatamant: Manuale şcolare, se află în stare foarte bună, conține 119 pagini și poate fi comandată la cerere.